The Holistic Herbalism Advanced Therapeutics Program is the newest offering in Emery Herbals’ education systems. The Therapeutics program offers advanced level learning opportunities aimed towards those working in a Clinical Practice as well as senior students of Clinical Herbalism.
The goal of the Advanced Therapeutics program is to support those currently working with clients by providing quality continuing education experiences that grow and expand their existing health care practice with up to date information; providing practical resources that benefit their patients and their communities.
The Emery Herbals Teaching Centre offers a hybrid opportunity to learning with classes held live in the Winlaw, BC classroom and streamed in realtime through our online classroom portal to students and participants from around the world. All classes are recorded and available to rewatch until December 31, 2025.
We are pleased to announce the first instalment of the HHA Therapeutics Program.
Click this link to be taken to the registration area.
Holistic Cancer Care with Chanchal Cabrera
Registration Closes on May 6, 2024
Click this link to be taken to the registration area.
Learning objectives
By completion of this 6 part program the student will be able to:
- Recognize and mitigate exogenous risk factors for cancer – diet, environment, stress
- Assess for and clinically control for endogenous risk factors for cancer – glycation, oxidative stress load, detoxification pathways, coagulopathies, hormonal drivers
- Assess for and clinically control co-morbidities and symptoms of cancer
- Create a comprehensive foundation treatment plan for a cancer patient, taking into account their unique oncologic typology
Who is this course for?
This is an intermediate – advanced course, intended for senior students, newly qualified practitioners looking for practical guidance in cancer care, and for experienced practitioners looking to refresh their clinical practices with a deeper understanding and more confidence and competence in supporting people with cancer.
Total Instruction Hours for the program equals over 50 Hours of Learning Content including:
- 6 classes of 7 hours
- PLUS 3 x 90 minutes of tutoring/ mentoring in between classes.
- PLUS a bonus lecture.
Course over view
- What cancer is, how it starts, how it progresses, aberrant cell behaviors, proto-oncogenes, growth factors, importance of the ‘terrain’
- Why the liver is so important and how to support it
- Stress and the Immune system in cancer – materia medica for building the foundation (adaptogens, alteratives and immune tonics)
- Cancer prevention and immune building protocols
- How to read blood work and pathology reports, what other ways of testing are open to herbalists and how to assess the cancer patient
- Targeted nutritional therapy
- Formulating and planning with herbs
- Managing surgery preparation and recovery
- Coping with chemo – managing side effects
- Genetic screening in cancer
- Immunotherapies – maximizing immune responses
- Materia Medica for cancer – the cyto-toxic herbs
- Practical guidelines and protocols for managing cases
All classes are held live and are recorded for further rewatch.
Live Classes will run 9 AM – 5 PM PST with a 1 hour lunch break.
Day One: Friday, February 16
- Understanding the biomechanics of cancer – pathophysiology, disease initiation and progression; how it starts, how it progresses, aberrant cell behaviors, proto-oncogenes, growth factors, importance of the ‘terrain’, testing of the terrain.
Day Two: Saturday, February 17
- Review of health foundations – liver & detox pathways, stress and adaptogens, immune support
- Assessing the cancer patient – blood work and pathology reports
Day Three: Friday, March 15
- Specific treatment planning and individualizing the protocols : stabilizing DNA, modulating growth factors, anti-angiogenesis, strengthening connective tissue, normalizing hormones.
Day Four: Friday, March 16
- Chemotherapy statistics of success
- End points of treatment
- Labs and access to testing
- 6 core mechanisms of chemo
- Administration of chemo – chronotherapy and metronomic therapy
- Melatonin and sleep
- Blood Brain Barrier
- Fasting and alternate day feeding
- Mouth sores, poor appetite, weight loss, fatigue, constipation, nausea & vomiting, diarrhoea
- Herbal teas for digestion
- Supplements for cancer
- Neuropathy
- Mucositis
- Safety of herbs and supplements with chemo
Types of Chemo and predictive testing
Targeted therapies / gene guided therapies, Immunotherapies
- Monoclonal Antibodies – Protein tyrosine kinase receptors
- Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors – Protein kinase C receptors
- Managing the interferon response – Immune mediators and modulators, fever treatment
- Skin rash
- Non‐standard Drugs Useful in Integrative Cancer Therapies
- Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT)
Day Five: April 19
Materia medica for cancer – Potent cytotoxics
- Artemisia annua
- Asimina triloba
- Camptotheca acuminata
- Chelidonium majus
- Larrea divaricata
- Phytolacca decandra
- Podophyllum peltatum
- Sanguinaria canadensis
- Thuja occidentalis
- Taxus spp.
- Vinca rosea
- Viscum album
Supportive herbs – non-toxic but anti-cancer herbs
- Tabebuia spp.
- Tanacetum parthenium
Day Six: April 20
Specific formulating for cancer
Case reviews
Please note: All classes are held live and streamed in realtime through our student classroom. There are limited onsite seats available at the Emery Herbals Teaching Centre located in Winlaw BC. Those is the Winlaw area are invited to attend onsite if so desired to view the class from the big screen and be in an onsite community of learners.
Chanchal will be teaching via online access for the February and March Classes and will be onsite teaching from our Centre for the April Class.
All classes are streamed LIVE to our online participants with interactive participation.
Bonus – Three additional meetups LIVE with Chanchal. We will meet LIVE for 90 minutes tutorials / mentoring sessions where students are invited to present questions directly with Chanchal in between our scheduled classroom sessions.
Bonus – Video recording: Managing Surgery in Cancer Care: When, why, why not and how to heal up afterwards, managing angiogenesis / wound healing.
Click this link to be taken to the registration area.
All classes are held live and are recorded for further rewatch.
Live Classes will run 9 AM – 5 PM PST with a 1 hour lunch break.
- Friday, February 16
- Saturday, February 17
- Friday, March 15
- Saturday, March 16
- Friday, April 19
- Saturday, April 20
Please note: All classes are held live and streamed in realtime through our student classroom with interactive participation. There are limited onsite seats available at the Emery Herbals Teaching Centre located in Winlaw BC. Those is the Winlaw area are invited to attend onsite if so desired to view the class from the big screen and be in an onsite community of learners.
Chanchal will be teaching via online access for the February and March Classes and will be onsite teaching from our Centre for the April Class.
In between classes we will meet with Chanchal for additional support and Q and A sessions
Sessions will run from 9 AM – 10:30 AM PST
- Friday, March 1
- Friday, March 29
- Friday, May 3
Total Instruction Hours for the program equals over 50 Hours of Learning Content.
Total Investment for the program is $875.00 plus GST.
Included in the cost of the program:
- Full access to all live classes and mentorship calls
- Access to the online student classroom and communication forum
- Downloadable materials
- Access to all video recordings available to rewatch: Expires December 31, 2025
- Bonus Class on Surgery Care
- A 10% Student Discount for the Emery Herbals Botanical Dispensary
We offer scholarship positions for those with barriers to access. Please contact us at learn@emeryherbals.com to enquire.
Payment in full secures registration and the student classroom opens 1 week prior to the program beginning.