Busy as a Beaver!

Busy as a Beaver!
February 15, 2012 Colleen Emery

Life is ticking along in this little mountain village! Lots of newness on the horizon. Waking up to a little bit more sun is always helpful as is watching the snow melt bit by bit every day, often exposing items lost in the fall to winter’s snowfall. Winter is slowly turning to spring and its really hard to believe! I come from a place where its winter until May. This is such an amazing treat. (I am keenly aware we are most likely due for a little bit more ole man winter before he is completely gone.) Seriously though, all this spring like energy brings with it such creative energy and vibrancy.

As mentioned in the previous post, there is now a Winlaw location to my business! This is the accumulation of so many dreams and vision boards, not to mention countless amounts of “to do” lists. I remember sitting with my Woman tribe years ago dreaming about this day, how I would love to somehow, someday, open my own little apothecary complete with a therapy room and space to share my passion.

On February 29th I open the doors to my own location! Its all happened so quickly I have hardly had time to comprehend things. Bit by bit step by step I am seeing this dream of mine come to reality.

Here’s a little glimpse into the progress… this is my sign that my friend and super designer, Shauna Teare created for me. She has been such a big help to me through all of this, and by help I mean she tolerated every single question I had. And, those who know me know I can ask a lot of questions! I totally couldn’t have done this without her! My sign is so pretty! Look for it if you are up Highway 6 anytime soon, there is good parking, a safe place to park your bike and a pot of tea always on.

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