Current Events

  • Summer Hours for the Botanical Dispensary

    Summer is here and we are embracing the season! The crew at Emery Herbals will be taking a few breaks…

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  • Holistic Herbalism Programs Open for Registration June 1st!

    The Holistic Herbalism Programs Open for Registration June 1st! A Little Bit of History about our Holistic Herbalism Program I…

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  • Spring time hours for the Botanical Dispensary

    Springtime has begun in the West Kootenay Mountain Region. We are excited to share that the Botanical Dispensary and Artisan…

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  • Winter Hours for the Botanical Dispensary

    Winter is upon us at the Botanical Dispensary here in Winlaw, BC. We are excited to share that the Botanical…

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  • Autumn Hours for the Botanical Dispensary

    The early signs of Autumn are upon us at the Botanical Dispensary here in Winlaw, BC. We are excited to…

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  • Time to Build

    Turning the page into the new calendar year somehow enlists a huge cleansing craze and media blitz encouraging us to start fresh by introducing certain agents that help to purge out the toxicity of the year gone by. I find this ‘tradition’ to be one that is so unseasonably inaccurate it causes more harm than good. Cleansing the body, detoxification, takes energy and one needs access to live, fresh foods, full of nutrition and vitality to assist in the great task of taking out the garbage.  Winter is a time to naturally slow down, reserve our energies and resources, build and nourish.

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  • Fermentation and Seasonal Changes

    Fermentation and Seasonal Changes The benefits of including Fermented Foods in the diet has widely been documented and reported. What…

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  • Emery Herbals Celebrates Five Years in Winlaw!

    February 2017 marks Emery Herbals fifth year of business in Winlaw! Six years ago Colleen, along with her husband and…

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  • 2016 CSW (Community Supported Wellness) Program

    Taking the basic concepts of a CSA I have created a herbal version called CSW, short for Community Supported Wellness. Emery Herbals is offering a 4 Season program designed to encourage sustainability, empowerment and independence with your wellness. In a time where health care is becoming unattainable, unaffordable, and unsatisfactory for many people, Emery Herbals commits to offering everyone a way to access health supportive means that enable one to take charge of their wellness. My role in your wellness is to provide you with access to what you need to heal and thrive.

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  • The Importance of Family Meal Time

    With the relaxed times of summer a distant memory now it seems most of us are operating at a pace…

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