Emery Herbals

Emery Herbals acknowledges that we operate on the traditional, ancestral and unceded təmxʷulaʔxʷ (homeland) of the Sinixt Peoples. We show our respect for this land and its people by committing to giving back in ways that honour and support the Sinixt.

Originally founded in 2003,  Colleen Emery developed Emery Herbals as a small, urban, inner city home based business, providing access to consciously sourced and created plant medicine.  In 2011, Colleen and her husband Ashley and daughter Freya moved from the inner city to an off grid yurt in the heart of the West Kootenay Mountains. It was at that time that Emery Herbals expanded in the small village of Winlaw, BC to house an East West focused Botanical Dispensary, Healing Suites and Teaching Centre.

Emery Herbals commitment is to provide open access to high quality, consciously sourced botanicals; professional health services and empowering education experiences that aim to encourage and cultivate sustained wellness.

We have an East West focused approach to our Botanical Dispensary with a diverse inventory of raw herbs, tinctures, essential oils, teas and health related items. Sourcing consciously gathered and cultivated herbs is a passion for Emery Herbals since our inception. Our sacred relationship to our natural environment is instilled in our commitment to providing access to the lowest impact, consciously sourced herbs grown through local farms, privately owned wild lands, and ethical world suppliers. Each herb and/or essential oil or product in our inventory has been thoroughly evaluated through our ethical approach to sourcing.

Our Botanical Dispensary provides formulating, compounding and dispensing services local community clients and regional health practitioners as well as distant clients and health providers in other areas of the world. Through the many years of formulating and custom blending for her clients, Colleen Emery has created a dynamic offering of shelf products ready to dispense directly to clients within our care in clinical practice.

Emery Herbals Healing Suites offers access to educated and trained health Practitioners in a peaceful and enriching environment to help guide and support your wellness and healing journey.

Our Teaching Centre actively provides education experiences to help grow your connection to the natural world and bring empowerment to your healthcare.