Morning all! Its another entry in our Friday Herb Fest category! Today I want to talk about Sustainable Wildcrafting. Wildcrafting is a method of gathering herbs from a stand of plants that are growing wild in their natural environment. Wildcrafting or Wildharvesting as it is often called is a true herbal art of observation, research, intuition and guidance. This method of gathering plants is not for the novice herbalist as the act itself requires knowledge and commitment and a great deal of honor and respect for nature itself. An expert knowledge in Botany and Plant Identification is more than necessary and its always wise to head out with a mentor to learn the craft successfully. A terrific book to guide you on your journey is From Earth to Herbalist by Gregory Tilford. As well, many local colleges and community centers offer Herb Walk Workshops taught by local Botanists and Herbalists. Check it out!
I practice Sustainable Wildcrafting. This is a method where I take only from plant stands that are abundant, that I have observed for one entire growing cycle (all four seasons), and that I have determined a) are not threatened by over collection and b) can withstand me taking a portion of the plants and still thrive and be abundant for years to come. I only wildcraft from private land, on our own wonderful piece of paradise or local neighbors and friends that I have gratefully secured permission to collect from. I am forever thankful that I have such a variety of places to observe herbs and develop a deeper understanding of their wonderful healing abilities.

Flowering Wild Ginger in the Ferngully on our land.
One such place that I am lucky to have near us in the Big City is Blue Mountain Biodynamic Farm, run by Kris Vester and Tamara Brunt. An amazing oasis in the middle of oil and gas territory that grows the most amazing vegetables, grains, herbs and flowers. Over the years I have been fortunate to collect wild mint, red clover, alfalfa and other very nourishing and healing herbs from this wonderful farm. This summer they suffered a horrible hail storm that has wiped out all their crops for the year. So sad. A benefit event is being held to help them out. Its gonna be a blast! If you are in the area and can attend do come and show your support for these wonderful Organic farmers! Its time to give back to them what they have been humbly providing to us for so many years!
Here is a link to the event: Mighty Neighbourly, A fundraiser
You can also check out donation information here: Yummy Organic Food Store
This concludes my weekly talk about herbs. TGIF!!!