Marshmallows, the old school way.

Marshmallows, the old school way.
February 20, 2013 Colleen Emery

Herb Club today was so much fun, we made marshmallows using marshmallow root. Its so amazing how awesome they taste. After making them I realized how much you could do with this recipe, how many variations you could try. Here is the recipe, have fun!!


1 cup water

1 tablespoon honey (optional)

1 tablespoon Gelatin powder

2 T marshmallow root shredded


  1. Combine the marshmallow root with the water and infusion over night in the fridge or for 4 hours.
  2. Strain marshmallow root decoction.
  3. Warm the marshmallow decoction and add the honey to combine, remove from heat
  4. Add the Gelatin powder and whisk to combine.
  5. Now you will blend it. Take a mixmaster or an immersion blender with a whisk attachment and mix and mix and mix. It takes about 5 – 8 minutes for this part. Once the peaks form you are mixed.
  6. Pour this marshmallow cream into a pan, lined in greased parchment paper. Set in a cool place to set. Setting time takes 2 – 7 hours depending.
  7. Once set cut into squares with a sharp knife dipped in water.

Options: You could add elderberry or hibiscus flower with the marshmallow root to colour the marshmallows. You could line the parchment paper with a topping such as coconut or lavender sugar and then sprinkle this on top as well. The ideas were pouring out at herb club today. I can hardly wait for bonfire season to begin.


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