Upcoming Events at Emery Herbals

Upcoming Events at Emery Herbals
March 9, 2012 Colleen Emery

Its a very exciting time here in the valley, spring is beginning to show itself bit by bit, in fact just today I realized the onslaught of ants into the yurt has begun. (For the those who aren’t in the know, its true, me and my little family are living in a yurt).

Lots of events are coming up in the next while, I am pretty stoked. I feel like I have been having an idea brainstorm extravaganza. First thing that is happening is I am guesting at the Network for New Moms event next week. I guested at this event in the fall and it was so much fun. A free lunch is put on for all the young families in the valley, there are tables of free clothing where you can either donate to or take what you need, there is outreach service information but most of all you get to meet lots of really dynamic families and their cute babies and young toddlers. I am giving away tea samples as I did last time but this time around I am doing mini-iridology check ups and there will be a draw for a free consultation with me!

The next exciting event planned is the After School Kids’ Herb Club that starts on April 4th. Once a week I will meet with my mini apprentices to go for a little herb walk, draw in our materia medica sketchbooks, complete a herbal blending project/craft and learn of a herbal folklore tale. This has been such a wonderful event to plan for! I can’t wait to show the kids all the fun stuff I have planned.

There are also several workshops on the horizon: I am teaching an Intro to Essential Oils through the Slocan Valley Seniors Organization, I am going to teach my Radiation Protection for the 21 Century again (hoping to have it be a tad more uplifting this time!), other workshops in the midst are double extraction mushroom medicine making, fun fermentation and family foundational wellness but these will be taught closer to the end of summer.

Finally, and I mean finally, I am getting my Etsy Shop up and running. This has been a super long time coming and for those of you who have been patiently waiting (I haven’t forgot!) I will be making it worth your while. Keep checking the blog for the official grand opening day, most likely in the next week. Yeah!

Happy end of winter/early spring everyone! Till next time, as my friend William would say: Be Well.

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