Larry Zaleski, D.C

Larry Zaleski, D.C

Chiropractor, Hand and Soul Wellness Center

Larry Zaleski, D.C. is a chiropractor with over 30 years experience in practice. He graduated from Sherman College of Chiropractic (South Carolina, USA) in 1981.  Larry provided chiropractic care in his successful chiropractic practice in Delaware, USA from 1983-2000.  In 1987, Larry became a national instructor of Network Chiropractic which involved training chiropractors from around the world about the philosophy and technique of freeing the spine of interference (subluxations). After passing the licensing examinations and relocating to B.C., Dr. Larry has opened a chiropractic practice at the Hand & Soul Wellness Center in Silverton. He also has satelitte offices in Winlaw and Nakusp.

Larry’s traditional chiropractic approach is based on the premise that living within each individual is an Innate Intelligence which animates, motivates, coordinates, heals, and inspires. Innate Intelligence creates a life force that moves through the nervous system- which is the main coordinating system of the body. This life force can be blocked subluxated within the spine and meningeal system (sheath that surrounds the spinal cord). This is caused by not recovering from emotional, mental, chemical, and physical stress. It is the role of the chiropractor to correct – adjust subluxations of the spine so the life force can move freely throughout the body; allowing the body to express greater health, well-being and adaptability.

Larry gives lectures on this topic with the aim of assisting each person to be increasingly more connected with their innate ability to express wellness and to be more adaptable to life’s  stresses.


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