Today marks the first day of our month long study of France. When husband and I were brainstorming ideas for our homeschool journey with Pickle we decided that it would be interesting to take an educational tour of several countries and through this medium teach all that is needed to know and more for the year. Its been really fun and exciting gathering all our materials for this venture. Everything from maps of France, picture books of cycle tours through the Provence region to videos on the architecture of different regions, walking tour books of Paris to a age appropriate bio of Joan of Arc. We have plans to teach PIckle the custom of French cooking and eating (ooh la la), the crafts of the different regions, I even will dust off my French of yore and parler en français. Thankfully we are surrounded by friends who speak French fluently to help us along on our voyage!
In other “schooling at home” news, Pickle is thoroughly enjoying her guitar lessons with J. He is such a great teacher and such a talented musician. Check out Seancara (J. is the one with the dreads). She is excited to practice, I never have to encourage her, so far anyway, to pick up her guitar and practice. We have had a blast this week playing together. I am sure there will come a point, and most likely sooner rather than later, that Pickle will be teaching me what she knows and I will be the student. Such a sponge that pickle is.