Who else finds December to be a contrary month with social activity amping up and the holiday season approaching at a time that every cell in our beings wants comfort and warmth and lots of sleep and rest! As the light narrows and we descent to the darkest days it’s time more than ever to include a daily routine of nourishment that hits all the points of support needed.
How we nourish ourselves in the darker parts of the colder months of the year determines how we will navigate the dynamic nature of the season itself. December in particular adds layers of demands that can tax the immune and nervous systems, showing up as added nervousness and anxiety and immune system sluggishness.
Including herbs as everyday components in your diet is a simple way to ensure you are getting what you need to stay well through the busy-ness of the season. We have included one of our favourite savoury teas that has Reishi as its main herb support. Reishi mushroom is a profoundly helpful herb that nourishes and steadies the immune system, improves cardiovascular wellness, nourishes the body from stress exposures and deeply supports and restores the nervous system, easing anxiety, calming nervousness.
Starting your day with a cup of support is a delicious way to provide these necessary components with ease!
Morning Mineral Magic
Supplies needed:
500 ml mason jar
Medium sized pot
Immersion blender (makes this so easy!!)
250 ml of quality Bone Broth or 1 tablespoon bone broth powder with 1 cup hot water
1/4 teaspoon Reishi Powder (ensure its steam extracted and good quality)
250 ml of prepared and warm Mineral Herbal Tea
1 tablespoon of Grass Fed Butter
When you wake up prepare a strong infusion of Mineral Herbal Tea in your mason jar by adding the herbs to your jar, pouring boiled water over the herbs to fill the jar, cap the jar. Infuse for 15 – 30 minutes and then strain.
Combine the bone broth, mineral tea, reishi powder in a pot and warm.
Add the butter and any extra additional spices as desired.
Combine with an immersion blended mix until frothy.
Pour into beautiful mugs (yields two good sized mugs full) and drink while you watch the world wake up.
There are multiple other creative ways one could make this type of warm beverage and many other herbs that could provide the deep immune and nervous system function support! Enjoy and have fun with the process!