All Things Herbal

  • Respiratory Wellness during Fire Season

    Summertime is such a lovely season, a time for relaxing at the beach, hiking our vast and wonderful forests, barbequeing…

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  • Loving the Lymph System: Our Spring Freshet

    Loving the Lymph System: Our Spring Freshet The beginnings of Spring mark the start of the journey of emerging: the…

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  • Winter Musings: A Formula for Cultivating Wellness

    Who else finds December to be a contrary month with social activity amping up and the holiday season approaching at…

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  • Honouring our Teachers by Patrick Kooyman

    Honouring our Teachers How did you become an herbalist? Learning the art and science of herbalism can come from many…

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  • Holistic Herbalism Programs Open for Registration June 1st!

    The Holistic Herbalism Programs Open for Registration June 1st! A Little Bit of History about our Holistic Herbalism Program I…

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  • Spring time hours for the Botanical Dispensary

    Springtime has begun in the West Kootenay Mountain Region. We are excited to share that the Botanical Dispensary and Artisan…

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  • Winter Hours for the Botanical Dispensary

    Winter is upon us at the Botanical Dispensary here in Winlaw, BC. We are excited to share that the Botanical…

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  • Emery Herbals is taking a Holiday Rest

    Our annual Holiday rest is around the corner. All the herbs and medicines get tucked in for a long winter’s…

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  • Autumn Hours for the Botanical Dispensary

    The early signs of Autumn are upon us at the Botanical Dispensary here in Winlaw, BC. We are excited to…

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  • A Tale of Turmeric, The Quest for Whole Plant Medicine

    A Tale of Turmeric, The Quest for Whole Plant Medicine By Colleen Emery, RHT (CHAofBC) Steeped in Indian culture, Turmeric…

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