2016 CSW (Community Supported Wellness) Program

2016 CSW (Community Supported Wellness) Program
March 18, 2016 Colleen Emery

I have been a member of at least one CSA every summer now for several years. I just love the concepts of a CSA. You pay your farmers at the start of the season for a share in the bounty of their yield, each week collecting your bin of amazingly fresh veggies, fruit and other farm items. In fact last year we supported two local farms, having two shares, one to eat and one to process and store for the winter. The ultimate in 5 mile diet.

Taking the basic concepts of a CSA I have created a herbal version called CSW, short for Community Supported Wellness.

Emery Herbals is offering a 4 Season program designed to encourage sustainability, empowerment and independence with your wellness.

In a time where health care is becoming unattainable, unaffordable, and unsatisfactory for many people, Emery Herbals commits to offering everyone a way to access health supportive means that enable one to take charge of their wellness.

I really honour the intelligence and capability of the people that seek out my assistance with their health.

My role in your wellness is to provide you with access to what you need to heal and thrive.

Sometimes this is the medicine, ready to go, and sometimes it is the information necessary to create the medicine yourself. I want to offer you options to choose what makes sense for you and your family. The Emery Herbals CSW Program encompasses access to all aspects of what we provide through continuous, sustainable, and empowering support.

The Full 4 Season CSW share includes: 

Health & Wellness Consultation

Just before the beginning of each season, we will meet, whether that be on the phone or in person, to discuss the uniqueness of you! This consult will be directed how you need it to be. We can discuss your health, the health of your children, your partner, your loved ones. I hear what you need and it helps me discover what herbs would like to be included in your life.

Receive support from Colleen Emery, Master Herbalist, to discuss your personal health picture and identify strategies that will help you build your foundational wellness. The information gathered will be used to help Colleen formulate your medicines throughout the CSW


7 Herbal Medicines

I am very passionate about custom blending to a client’s unique needs. Everyone is so special, so different from each other. The herbs and I understand this and want to be there to support you in all of your expressions.

The CSW will be providing, unique, one of a kind medicines that aren’t typically available in our shop, custom blended to your specific needs, focusing on a seasonal approach to wholistic health.

At Emery Herbals we have access to a wide variety of high quality, locally grown and/or sustainably wild harvested herbs. Using these resources we will create a variety of medicines ready to support your wellness through a seasonal approach. 

You can look forward to receiving tinctures, oxymels, glycerites, salves, creams, essential oil blends, infusion and decoction blends and so much more. Each medicine arrives with the necessary instructions and dosage suggestions. 


Herbal Learning Bundle & Medicine Making Project

Empowering individuals and families to take charge of their health through fostering traditional skills and connection to the natural world is my calling. What I learn I share. I have been so fortunate in my life to learn from so many gifted herbal practitioners. I want to show you how to support you and your families health and wellness by sharing these skills in the most useful kind of way.

Each seasonal package will include a herbal learning bundle. Within this bundle will be an information sheet about a herb, a quantity of the herb (fresh when possible) with the supplies and instructions to create a medicine from this herb.



Access to Private Online Communications Forum

New this year is our online clubhouse for all things herbal. I recognize and value that not everyone is connected to the online world through Facebook. This is why I decided to open my own online forum. For now, its open to those who are in the CSW program, my apprentices and anyone whom I mentor. We are growing it to be full of up to date information, articles, videos, and blogs all about wholistic wellness. You can look forward to one on one interactions with me, guest mentors coming forward with lessons, lively conversations about the natural world & wholistic health.

Colleen is passionate about providing families with clear and easy to implement strategies designed to build foundational health resulting in increased vitality and resilience. Learn from her tried and tested practical expertise. New for 2016, we have created a private online forum for you to access anytime you like to ask Colleen questions, research a topic of interest, communicate with other members of the CSW program plus interact with Colleen’s apprentices and students.

Be sure to check out the whole CSW page for all the information and details.