I love my Dentist. I know thats kind of strange, you aren’t really supposed to love your dentist. But I love mine. He isn’t a holistic dentist, he is your basic conventional approach type. However, he tolerates and even encourages all my wack-a-doodle natural requests. Today I was in to replace one of my fillings that had fallen out and he expressed how grateful he was to have patients who trust him, that allow him into their personal space and appreciate his work. Thats so nice, to have a dentist who appreciates what he does and understands how up close and personal he really does get. Plus he tells me I have nice teeth, which never hurts to hear. I am grateful for my dentist.
This past weekend, you know the long weekend I was talking about, a friend came in to the city from the area where our land is located. She brought us a package of goodies we had requested from our favorite store out there. Lots of new colors of roving for felting, paper for crafting and even a fast felter for quickly needle felting wonderful things. So grateful to have had a little visit with her, it was as if she had breathed energy to us straight from our land. Oh, how we miss it, our little piece of paradise. Today I am grateful for our friend and all our friends really. (Special note: check out the blog link area to your right, our pal’s blog is listed there, its called Dream to Life. She is the master fiber artist extraordinaire, so talented.)
And lastly, what seems to become a bit of a theme here, I am grateful for another favorite food of mine, Sprouts. I love Sprouts. Not only are sprouts of all kinds delicious they are super nutritious and very thrifty which I love because I also love to save money. I love that you can grow sprouts anytime, even now in the middle of a seriously intense winter. Its wonderful to have live foods at your finger tips for cents a day.