Nature’s Classroom

Nature’s Classroom
September 16, 2009 Colleen Emery

Today was a very beautiful day here in the Big City. The temperature was an amazing 32 C for most of the day. This weather provided the most suitable backdrop for an outdoor adventure with the little pickle. Riding our bikes we headed to the large natural area to communicate with and observe nature. Nature provides the most opportunity for learning in our family. Whether we are on a hike in the Mountains, riding our bikes through the prairies, skiing along a trail in the winter, swimming or canoeing along the river we learn together many exciting new things.

Its late summer here and we haven’t had a hard frost yet (which is not typical), so the grass is high and the plants have had the opportunity to complete their life cycles, something that doesn’t get to happen very often where we live. Along our path today we witnessed a falcon nest, many wasp nests, a variety of birds that we couldn’t identify and made us wish we were with our friend Shay, a pond with reeds that were over three feet high. We saw pockets of herb seeds flying airborne from their plants in search of new ground to nestle themselves in and grow again next spring. There was a scurried busy nature in the forest today; one that we were able to witness at a slow and unhurried pace. The flowering sage provided the aroma for our ride. For a moment it was possible to imagine we weren’t in the city any longer. The graffiti at the duck pond was a dead give away though.

Here is Freya at the duck pond. Notice the graffiti on the post to the left. Such is nature in the Big City.

Pond with reeds.

Mid trip we stopped at a playground to have our lunch and write in our journals. A camera crew was there, shooting what seemed to us a catalog of winter clothing. They had even prepared the area with foam that looked to us to be depicting snow. Interesting to see people in snow suits in the park on such a hot day. Such details provided the fodder for the pickle’s journal entry. Happy Wednesday everyone…

Imagining all we saw so far.

Imagining all we saw so far.