
February 18, 2011 Colleen Emery

So, I thought of a way to motivate me to come to this blog, daily, and post. My oh so neglected blog. For those on Facebook I am sure you have noticed or even participated in the 30 day Gratitude challenge. For those that are unsure of what this is, here is the scoop. For 30 days in a row you are to write/post/record in some way at least three things you are grateful for, more if you can, but at least three. Then, through this exercise, you are to be a witness to what occurs. And its awesome.

I started this exercise in the weeks right before my Mom passed away last year. The act of expressing gratitude at that time really helped me to focus on how precious life is and how grateful I was to be in the moment of truly seeing this.

So, I begin again. Here at the patient blog’o’mine. I would link you to the site that talks about this further but, alas, I cannot. My link feature is not enabled. Another ‘to do’ in regards to this blog. Sad, neglected blog.

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