One thing about living where we are now is that there are more sunny days than there are cloudy. Oh the joys of living in the prairies, where it can be – 40C but the sun is so brilliantly bright that its impossible to be outside without your sunglasses. Another thing about living where we are right now is the extra long weekend we have, no other provinces get this weekend, only the province we are living in. I love the feeling of the long weekend. You wake up on Sunday and its like you get to do Saturday all over again!
And lastly, for today, I want to express gratitude for my Trivia Challenge Game! I know it kind of sounds silly, but I love Trivia!!! Perhaps its the filofax brain of mine or the geek appeal of statistics and facts, not sure, but I do know that I love Trivia! I have been playing a game online now for about 5 years with the same ladies, its a daily activity that I just love!
Do you love Trivia? Because if you do you can join us!! All you have to do is comment here (please comment!) with your email address and I will send you an invite!
Edited to add: Apparently the province I am in isn’t the only one to have this long weekend holiday. Interesting!